Var befinner sig den svenska bilderboksforskningen? En kartläggning av bilderboksforskningens etablering och expansion

  • Elina Druker
Keywords: Bilderboksteori, bilderbok, barnlitteraturforskning, Norden


Title: An Overview of Picturebook Research in Sweden. Establishment and Expansion

Abstract: Picturebook research in the Nordic countries is in a vital and interesting phase, characterized by both established positions and expansion. The article discusses the development in the field, from the stage of initiation in the early 1980s to becoming an established and varied research area. A number of disciplines and lines can be traced in picturebook research today. While some researchers have focused on the history of the media, others have studied the complex relationship between the text and the images or tried to develop the theoretical framework of the medium. Another prominent approach is to investigate what happens in the reading experience and process and how picturebooks might develop children's literacy skills. Despite discipline or focus, picturebook research in Sweden has established itself as a special research field within children's literature research. While mainly discussing Swedish research, the article also attempts to demonstrate connections and differences with the research field in the other Nordic countries.

How to Cite
Druker, E. (2018). Var befinner sig den svenska bilderboksforskningen? En kartläggning av bilderboksforskningens etablering och expansion. Barnboken, 41.
Tema: Med bilden i fokus / Theme: Focusing on the Picture