Teskedsgumman – en publikationshistoria på tre språk

  • Björn Sundmark
Keywords: Alf Prøysen, Mrs Pepperpot, periodicals, media, publication history, textual criticism


Abstract: The article, ”Mrs Pepperpot: a publication history in three languages,” is an attempt at providing a chronological and comprehensive overview of Alf Prøysen’s Mrs Pepperpot stories. The underlying argument is that only by looking at the publication history of the Mrs Pepperpot books in both Norway, Sweden and Great Britain is it possible to establish a complete corpus of the published stories. The overview shows that 56 stories were published between 1956 and 2010. It also shows a much greater degree of correspondence between the Swedish and English publications than with the Norwegian. Finally, a major discrepancy has to do with the varying degree of inclusion (and time of publication) of the 26 stories originally issued in the Swedish periodical Veckorevyn 1968–69. The article also charts the publication of Mrs Pepperpot stories in other media, such as periodicals, radio, and TV, and points to the media versatility of the Mrs Pepperpot stories as well as to Prøysen’s own improvisatory storytelling style and his willingness to recycle and remediate his stories.

Keywords: Alf Prøysen; Mrs Pepperpot; periodicals; media; publication
history; textual criticism

How to Cite
Sundmark, B. (2014). Teskedsgumman – en publikationshistoria på tre språk. Barnboken, 37. https://doi.org/10.14811/clr.v37i0.190
Tema: 2014: 100-årsjubileernas år/Theme: 2014: The Year of the 100 Year Olds